What is the ISEE?
ISEE stands for Independent School Entrance Exam. It is an assessment of basic verbal, math, and reading skills that is used to determine admission into an independent or private school.
There are four levels of ISEE:
Primary - entrance to grades 2 - 4; available as an online administration only
Lower - entrance to grades 5 - 6; available in both online and paper/pencil administrations
Middle - entrance to grades 7 - 8; available in both online and paper/pencil administrations
Upper - entrance to grades 9 - 12; available in both online and paper/pencil administrations

When is the ISEE Offered?
The ISEE is offered at various times throughout the year. Check your local testing sites for availability. Click here for test dates.

Our Approach
We fully customize a prep plan for each student based on a comprehensive academic profile and admission goals. Click below to fill out your profile today!