Whole Numbers
- Intro to Whole Numbers
- Addition and Subtraction of Whole Numbers
- Rounding and Estimating
- Multiplying Whole Numbers
- Dividing Whole Numbers
- Order of Operations
- Intro to Integers
- Absolute Value
- Addition and Subtraction of Integers
- Multiplying Integers
- Dividing Integers
- Algebraic Expressions
Solving Equations
- Simplifying Expressions
- Combining Like Terms
- Addition and Subtraction Properties of Equality
- Multiplication and Division Properties of Equality
- Solving Multistep Equations

Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Intro to Fractions and Mixed Numbers
- Simplifying Fractions
- Adding and Subtracting Fractions
- Multiplying Fractions
- Dividing Fractions
- Decimal Notation
- Rounding with Decimals
- Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
- Multiplication of Decimals
- Division of Decimals
- Solving Equations with Decimals
Ratios and Proportions
- Ratios
- Rates and Unit Costs
- Proportions
- Similar Figures
- Percents, Fractions, and Decimals
- Percent Proportions
- Percent Equations
- Percent Change
- Simple Interest
- Compound Interest
Intro to Geometry
- Lines and Angles
- Triangles
- Pythagorean Theorem
- Perimeter
- Circumference
- Area
- Volume
Exponents and Polynomials
- Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials
- Properties of Exponents
- Multiplication of Polynomials
- Factoring
- Scientific Notations

Do You Want to Learn More?
If you'd like more detailed review of any of the above topics, reach out to us to set up a tutoring session. We can provide you personalized instruction in your greatest areas of need. Our pre-algebra teachers can meet in office, in home, or online. Please let us know how we can help!